La Delmare SPA

Alternative Body Care
If you are going to spend your life in a body, you should care it. Body care, which is especially important for women, is very important from the first point of view of your life status. People often don’t endeavor to care their bodies, but they don’t condescend to do so because body care is a very difficult task for other types.
But the small applications of science give you the best solutions for you and your body. Even if people do not care about body care as much as hair, face or hand care so far, they are becoming conscious about this day and they start to care.

Ayurverdic Therapies
Ayurvedic medicine offers natural health and disease-prevention therapies that originated more than 5,000 years ago in India. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means the “knowledge of life.”
Ayurvedic medicine teaches that each individual has his or her own unique genetic constitution, known as prakruti. This is expressed by three energies or doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. Our doshas all consist of a unique proportion of the five elements (space, air, fire, water and earth) which exist in nature.

Bruno Vassari Face And Body
Facial and body treatments made by our professional beauticians using the world famous Bruno Vassari Cosmetics products, cellulite programs applied with the help of special devices, SPA services that provide the body with tightening, and soft and smooth skin with different vitamin and mineral masks.

Caci Ultra Ultimate Snynergy
CACI International is the supportive force behind the CACI Non-Surgical Facial Tightening systems, which are appreciated by the world, and has been the leader in anti-aging technologies for over 20 years. CACI treatments have been chosen as the most effective anti-aging treatments among current treatments. The treatments applied by CACI, which is followed by many celebrities, are generally described as the beauty secret of red carpet.

World Massages
You should give yourself a time to relieve the stress of everyday life and the stress that work life puts on your shoulders. One of the best ways to use your time to relax and purify yourself is to have a massage. Massage both rests and relaxes the person’s body and soul. The world massage options are applied to our guests according to their personal needs.

Hamam Care
The therapies applied in the bath are quite diverse. Therefore, its benefits are not so few to summarize in a few sentences. Lying on the heating stone allows you to relax from the muscles and get rid of all the negative energy that is pre-loaded on the body. This effect is due to the fact that both heat and human minerals are substantially similar to those of the heating stones. The rubbing with a coarse bath-glove in the bath cleanses the entire skin deeply and the blood flow in the skin is accelerated. In this way, better circulation is more abundant oxygen, a more spacious skin. As you get rid of toxins while sweating in the bath, it also helps the lymph system with the hot, warm and cold water passages.

In our hairdresser Kerastese products and Nashi Argan Oil are used for hair care. Organic hair dyes are used. In La Delmare Spa, Alessandro International that is the well known brand all over the world are used for hand and foot spa care.

La Delmare Signed Cares
You will feel reborn as a result of Far East massages, world massages, world famous brands, skin and body treatments and pampering special rituals.

The Far East Messages
Traditional bali massage, the effective pressure on the body’s reflex points in the Balinese massage, passes through the muscle tissue on the surface, deep into the effects.